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Forest Law Enforcement,


Governance and Trade (FLEGT)


The Voluntary Partnership Agreement on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VPA/FLEGT) marked the started of the commitment between the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the European Union to work together on addressing illegal logging and trade. This is conducted through the establishment and operation of the Vietnamese Legality Timber Assurance System (VNTLAS).

As the Chair of VNGO-FLEGT Network since 2012 and a representative of CSOs in the UN-REDD Program Steering Committee in Vietnam, SRD has coordinated and implemented many activities to improve the capacity of CSOs to be able to actively participate in VPA/FLEGT negotiation and implementation processes. Many activities have been implemented, such as consultation with forest-dependent communities; developing an impact monitoring forums; commenting on legal documents and programs on forestry (Forestry Law, VNTLAS Decree, Circular on traceability of forest products, National Program on REDD+, etc).

SRD, along with the VNGO-FLEGT network, has assured the continued support for forest dependent communities, small- and micro-sized timber processing enterprises to comply with VNTLAS regulation as well as to minimize the possibly negative effects of this agreement. 

Promoting forest governance and legal timber trade through the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement – VM066

The overall objective is facilitating and enhancing the contribution of Vietnamese Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) to equitable and sustainable development in Vietnam. The specific objectives is promoting the role of the VNGOs on Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (VNGO-FLEGT) and ensure that membership (currently 60 members) has the capacity and knowledge to oversee the implementation of the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) in forest governance and timber trade.

Key target groups and beneficiaries:

The main target group of this project is the VNGO-FLEGT network which was established in 2012 and currently has 61 Vietnamese member organizations. The network builds its members’ capacity on methods of forest governance monitoring, facilitates legal timber trade; participates in policy-making to enforce VPA commitments through legal reform and the development of the environmental and social monitoring framework of the VPA. VNGO-FLEGT members shall understand the EVFTA and especially the TSD Chapter as well as the link between the VPA and the FTA. Members also shall be supported to effectively participate in the CSMMS of the FTA and the implementation of the FTA and VPA simultaneously to ensure the co-implementation of the two agreements.

The second target group consists of CSMMs of EVFTA, namely DAGs (one in Vietnam and another in the EU), and a Joint Forum, however, these groups have not been established yet. These mechanisms are responsible for expressing opinions, providing recommendations for the implementation of the TSD Chapter as well as other relevant chapters in the FTA. Academic studies have highlighted a number of shortcomings in the operations of existing DAGs and General Forums such as the fact that they are under-resourced […]. This project shall ensure that social organizations involved in forest governance monitoring and illegal timber trade […], promote the reception of problems and suggestions on how to resolve them from both European and Vietnamese DAGs and organizations, and coordinate regular meetings between DAGs.

The third target group: Timber Associations that represent the interests of the timber industry in Vietnam’s major transit and processing zones. They shall support members to comply with VPA’s commitments such as an appraisal of wood import, environmental and social protection policies. VPA shall be internally legalized but still limited due to the lack of resources and capacity. Social organizations shall mobilize Timber Associations to promote legal timber trade by monitoring their members to comply with VPA commitments and eliminate illegal activities.

The fourth target group: EU and Vietnamese members in government agencies participating in EVFTA such as the Trade Commission and the Trade and Sustainable Development Commission (TSD). The Trade Commission shall be co-chaired by the Vietnamese Minister of Industry and Trade and the members of the European Commission (EC), is responsible for trade; or their representatives oversee and promote the implementation and application of this agreement. Based on the experiences, the following requirements could be highlighted – the officials of Vietnam and EU shall demonstrate political commitment and have strong ownership in the implementation of the TSD Chapter. These committees shall have regular interactions with the social organizations established under FTA and vigorously enforce the provisions of the TSD Chapter. Their limitations are mainly related to difficulties in determining whether the TSD Chapter provisions are violated or lack the capacity/resources to carry out an effective monitoring. The project shall promote regular meetings with officers and leaders to share relevant analysis and ensure follow-up on recommendations made by social organizations.

The final beneficiaries are Vietnamese social organizations that are committed to contributing to equitable and sustainable development in Vietnam. These organizations need a favorable environment to participate in the development process. By using commerce as leverage, sharing lessons from VPA/FLEGT-VPA and networking, the project could expand space and build capacity. Households that depend on vulnerable forests and microenterprises in Vietnam shall benefit from improved forest governance and the enforcement of social and environmental legislation.

On August 17, 2021, Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien signed a decision to establish a Domestic Advisory Group (DAG) in Vietnam in accordance with the provision of EVFTA. Thr Group is tasked with gathering and presenting views and giving recommendations, advice and suggestions on the implementation of the Trade and Sustainable Development Chapter of the FTA. These views and recommendations will be submitted to the Trade and Sustainable Development Committee of the EVFTA. Members of DAG Vietnam are associations, NGOs and non-profit organisations of Vietnam, which operate legally in Vietnam and represent legitimate interest related to trade and sustainable development in Vietnam. The list of members of DAG Vietnam issued in the decision's appendix comprises (1) the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), (2) the Institute for Workers and Trade Unions under the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour (VGCL), and (3) the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD).

1. Land Use Right Certificates for Forest Smallholders: Key finding from IM-VPA Baseline Survey in 04 Provinces



2. Comments to The Draft of Decree On Vietnam Timber Legality Assurance System (VNTLAS)



3. Research and Sharing Forest Governance in Viet Nam



4. Gender issues in Forestry: Key findings from a VPA Impact Monitoring Baseline Survey in 4 Provinces



5. Transparency in Forestry Production: Key Findings From Baseline Survey for Impact Monitoring of VPA FLEGT


6. Report on Vietnam's NDC

VIE: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/thu-vi-n-nh-menu/1188-bao-cao-ndc-vi-t-nam-tang-cu-ng-qu-n-tr-r-ng-d-ph-c-h-i-r-ng-thanh-cong

ENG: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/events/1187-report-on-vietnam-s-ndc-strengthening-forest-governance-to-ensure-successful-forest-restoration



8. Guide on collecting information for monitoring and measuring the impact of VPA-FLEGT for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Timber Industry


9. Assessment of the current status of Forest Planting Households, and Small, Micro Timber Processing Enterprises before implementing VPA/FLEGT


10. Challenges and Opportunities of the EU-Vietnam Voluntary Partnership Agreement for Women and Civil Society

VIE: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/thu-vi-n-nh-menu/1160-nghien-cuu-thach-thuc-va-co-hoi-vpa-phu-nu-cso

ENG: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/events/1159-the-study-on-challenges-and-opportunities-of-the-eu-vietnam-voluntary-partnership-agreement-for-women-and-civil-society


11. Developing and Piloting an indicator framework for Monitoring the impact of VPA/FLEGT on Small and Medium-sized Timber Enterprises in Viet Nam key findings and recommendations

VIE: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/ho-t-d-ng-m-ng-lu-i-menu/1232-bao-cao-va-nghien-c-u



11. Policy Recommendations – Quarter 3, 2020


12. Summary Report: Forest Management and the Benefit-Sharing Mechanisms in The context of VPA-FLEGT & REDD+

VIE: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/ho-t-d-ng-m-ng-lu-i-menu/1232-bao-cao-va-nghien-c-u

ENG: http://www.srd.org.vn/images/research-reports/BO%20CO%20TM%20TT%20-%20Land%20right%20ENG.pdf


13. Summary Report: The Voluntary Partnership Agreement VPA-FLEGT and Transparency in the Forestry Sector

VIE: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/ho-t-d-ng-m-ng-lu-i-menu/1232-bao-cao-va-nghien-c-u

ENG: http://www.srd.org.vn/images/research-reports/BO%20CO%20TM%20TT%20-%20Land%20right%20ENG.pdf


14. Comments on the Degree No.102/2020/NĐ-CP Viet Nam Timber Legality Assurance System (VNTLAS)

VIE: http://www.srd.org.vn/index.php/v-n-d-ng-chinh-sach-menu/1253-cong-van-v-v-g-i-y-ki-n-nh-n-xet-c-a-m-ng-lu-i-vngo-flegt-v-ngh-d-nh-s-102-2020-nd-cp





15. Report: Forest management and benefit sharing mechanisms in the context of VPA-FLEGT & REDD+


16. Report: VPA-VPA-FLEGT Voluntary Partnership Agreement and Transparency in Forestry


17. Business production plan of the enterprise in the context of VPA-FLEGT – Impact factors


18. Hiện trạng về hộ trồng rừng và doanh nghiệp siêu nhỏ và nhỏ sản xuất gỗ trước khi thực thiVPA-FLEGT



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