On July 6th 2019, VNForest organized a workshop to discuss the draft Decree No2 of the VNTLAS in Da Nang City. Workshop were co-chaired by Dr. Pham Van Dien, Deputy Director General VNFOREST and Mr. Ngo Si Hoai, Vice Chair of Vietnam Timber and Forest Product Association (VIFORES). Participants were multi-stakeholders of the VPA core group, including several departments of VNForest, e.g CITES Office, Department of Legal, Department of S&T and International Cooperation, national and provincial timber associations, academia and CSOs. The workshop purpose is to obtain comments and perspectives from different stakeholders on the draft Decree No2 of the VNTLAS.
Comments were from most participants and VNGO-FLEGT’s representatives (SRD, CRD, ISFM, CED). All strongly said that the draft Decree should be supplemented and modified to reflect the following points:
In the case that a comprehensive Decree for the whole VNTLAS cannot be developed, we recommend to change the name of the Decree as "Decree on VNTLAS for VPA FLEGT implementation" only.
Representatives participated in the meeting