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On October 8th, 2023, the Centre for Sustainable Rural Development (SRD) coordinated with the People's Committee of Trieu Tai commune and Trieu Trung Primary & Secondary School to start four swimming training classes for 80 elementary and middle school students in Trieu Tai and Trieu Trung communes. The activity was organized within the scope of the "Together We Can" project in Trieu Phong district, Quang Tri province, funded by Caritas Australia and DFAT.

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Speaking at the opening ceremony, the school Principal introduced the purpose and training schedule for 04 classes divided into 4 shifts, with 20 students each; reminding the parents’ commitment in coordinating with the school to ensure safety of students during the training periods; reminding the students and teachers to comply with instructions and rules at the swimming pool. The principal also appreciated the support of the district and commune People's Committees, the project in organizing the meaningful swimming training for students which will help motivate and practice their physical and emotional health.

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"I have two children attending the training, one at the 3rd grade and the other at the 7th one. I am informed of this by their teachers who also mentioned the project requirement of being consent. I agreed and signed a commitment form to let my two children joining. Knowing how to swim to be safe because this area is prone to floods.", shared by a parent from Trieu Tai commune.

According to teachers and commune officials, every year, there are cases of drowning accidents to students and children. In recent years, many people have become more aware, and even parents have paid more attention to their children going swim in ditches. Thanks to having swimming pools in several communes nearby and swimming training, 300 children have been able to learn and that helped reduce the risk of drowning. There are many students who can swim but only from 5-7m without knowing how to coordinate with breathing if they swim for a longer distance. The training class will provide the students with swimming technique and regular practice to improve their swimming skills and avoid being swimming-less. In Trieu Tai commune, there currently is about 30% of children at swimming age, about 130 students in entire commune, who are able to swim; thanks to the increasing students able to attend swimming classes.

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A 7th grade student from Trieu Tai commune said: "I am informed by the teacher of the swimming class. I asked my parents for their agreement. I cannot swim. In the past, my parents didn't let me go to swimming class because the pool was far from home and they thus did not feel safe. Now it is organized by the commune and school, and supported by the project, so I join to learn how to swim, to prevent drowning”. Another 9th grade student said, "Learning to swim for our safety and to prevent drowning." 


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